
  1. F

    Guinea pig intro not going well...?

    Recently we got a new piggie (a few months old) as a friend for our older one (about 1.5 years old). They are both males. We quaranteed him for ~2 weeks, then tried to introduce him today. We don't have a separate pen to introduce him so we tried to use the older one's cage and make it as...
  2. T

    Fear Aggression?

    We have a total of 4 sows. Unfortunately we lost a pig and are currently in the process of introducing a baby. So far I've done 3 attempts, I do struggle with the introduction process a bit and often wonder if i'm doing it correctly. My struggle is knowing when the pigs have finished. The first...
  3. G

    I Messed Up The Introduction (2 Boars)

    I'm desperately trying to repair a botched introduction after doing many things wrong. I let the two exist in a divided cage for a short time (less than a day - they seemed so interested in each other and calm), and then took away the partition so they could properly meet. It didn't go well...