bonding questions

  1. E

    Advice on housing for cranky piggy

    Today, I went to get some new piggies for one of my boars, who recently lost his cage mates and was beginning to sink into a bit of a depression. I asked the rescue near me for the male herd who had been there the longest and was most in need of a home. I was delighted that her most needy boars...
  2. Aiinu1

    Did my herd union really go well or was it a flop?

    Hi guys! Back in September I adopted a baby guinea pig and end up bonding her with my herd of three (one neutered male and two females). It didn't sit right with me, it was really diferent from my other experiences and I made this question in this forum: I got advise that this was normal so I...
  3. Anastasia_GPM.

    Should I be worried about my piggy?

    So, here's my story, and why I'm concerned. This is probably going to be long, so I totally understand if you stop reading here. haha I got my first guinea pig November 10th 2018. Just a few months ago. It took a lot of convincing to get my parents to agree, so we agreed on just getting one. I...
  4. rinlalin

    Can I Get A New Piggie?

    hello all! my piggie bootsy is in quarantine right now being cared for by staff for a URI. he's going to be there for at least another week. i was planning on getting new, dust free bedding, hides and some toys PLUS a new piggie for when he gets back. can i get another piggie today? should i...