bond help

  1. P

    Bonding - it been 2 hours

    Hey All, I put Ginger, Teddy and Grumpy in the cage together for bonding for about 2 hours now. Ginger is the dominant one. Teddy and Grumpy is still squeaking at Ginger so does this mean the bonding is not going well as the girls is stress?
  2. K

    Are my two girls ready to be in the same cage?

    I'm bonding my original guinea pig(Cookie) with a new guinea pig(Bubbles) after cookies cage mate passed. I've had them in their neutral area for about 5 hours, they haven't really fought and when they did it was very quick, no blood. They coexist pretty well and they don't go after each other...
  3. L

    Broken bond - what can I do?

    For several months now I've had a peaceful trio of boars. The youngest of them is three and they were all well out of hormonal phases when I got the third (Nussi) - the two first are father (Angel) and son (Storm). It's been going great up until now - no fights, barely any dominance behaviours -...
  4. B

    please help!

    I’m new to this site and thought I’d come on here for some much needed advice. I have a 4 month old guinea pig (Poppy) and I’ve recently tried adding another (Gracie) who is a little over a year old. Gracie was surrendered by a family and has always lived alone in her cage. They’ve been in the...
  5. hayleejes

    Bonding advice

    Hello! I have 3 male Guinea pigs and I’m looking for advice on their housing/relationship situation. First of all, I’ve got two together and the third pig is by himself (right next to the other cage, they still interact!) Two of my boys have been together from the start, over a year old now. One...
  6. Angelina_97866

    Bonding to make a trio

    Hi, I have just adopted a pair of sows and am hoping that I can introduce a younger sow to form a trio. Obviously I have to wait a couple of weeks or more for them to settle in and trust us, but would it work trying to do this? The pair I have are 1 years old. (Photo from previous owner)
  7. Rivendellelf

    Bonding advice/quarantine

    I have had a new neutered boar (Freddie) now for a week who is going to be paired with my lone girl (Luna) who has now been on her own for 2 weeks. I know the recommended advice is to quarantine any new piggies for 2 weeks but I am concerned about Luna who has done nothing but hide since she...
  8. Bethan

    Bonding advice please!

    Hi all, As some of you will know, we lost our 4 year old sow Clarice yesterday after a battle with lymphoma. She leaves behind her friend Cora - who is 2.5 years old. They had been bonded by our local rescue when Cora was a baby, and we adopted them together just under a year ago. We also...
  9. Hannahb2804

    bonding new guinea pig with herd

    I’ve got 4 girls and I adopted another girl today who’s roughly two months old, they’re all on the floor in open space to bond and the most dominant one dougal, keeps going after her and teeth chattering, raising on her back legs slightly and showing her teeth. is this normal or does it mean...
  10. Wetherill

    Grumpy old man…?

    I have three boys who have lived together without problems, since I brought home my 1 year old last july and my 5 month old in january. I have a 5 year old who has been here from the start, but surprisingly he was very lenient with the two babies coming home and had no issues with them. All of...
  11. Pemberleypiggies

    Help! 2 Boars constantly fighting, but no blood drawn

    Hi guys! I rescued two skinny pigs from a local rescue in February. They are going to be two years old in July. I know that boys can be aggressive with each other, but I’m having a hard time determining if what I’m seeing warrants separating. One is specifically the bully, and the other never...
  12. F

    Is there any hope of bonding my 5 year old Sow?

    Hi, I could really do with some advice about whether of not to keep trying to find a friend for my almost 5 year old sow Puffin. Over Christmas she lost her sister Panda who she had lived with her whole life. We have since tried to bond her with a 4 year old sow, but that failed, we tried...
  13. plantandpiggiemom

    Barbering sow with rising aggression over being near other sow

    Hello, a few weeks ago I posted on here because of rumble-strutting and super territorial behavior in one of our adolescent sows towards the other. We have two girls in the proper sized cage, with three kinds of hides that have multiple entrances, 3 hay feeding areas, 2 water bottles, chews...
  14. Lisa07

    Mixed herd bonding fail

    Hi, I hope you can help. 1 month ago I adopted a neutered boar (18 m) and a sow (8 m) from the RSPCA to join my trio of sows 1 is 8 m and 2 sisters at 6 months. The trio were never close but tolerated each other with the occasional squabble between the sisters. A couple of fights but no blood...
  15. Y

    Dominance or Fighting? Please help.

    I recently got two female baby guinea pigs (~7 weeks). I've had then for about a week and I'm having trouble deciding if they are paired well and are doing dominance situation or actually fighting because they haven't been paired well. I've seen some signs of dominance and some signs of fighting...
  16. SamPickles

    2 Female Guinea Pigs Bonding Worries

    Hey, I'm Sam and just got became a new guinea pig owner. About a week ago I went to get Mabel, at Petsmart. They told me she was only 8 weeks old. Then today (a week later) I went to get Luna, another female guinea pig from Petsmart. When they are together in the same cage Luna just seems to...
  17. H

    Help! Bullying?

    Hello. I have 2 board, about 8-9 months old. The have a 15 sq ft C&C cage. The dominant one has always been sort of mean, but for the past day or so, he has been non stop chasing and rumbling at the other pig, and won’t even let him eat hay (there’s two hay racks)He will corner him and climb on...
  18. EddyNoble

    Need advice for boar pair

    Hi everyone, I have a pair of boars who i went through the bonding process with back in july/August. One of them is now about 1 and a half years old and the other is about 7 months old. They have become quite hard to manage, in terms of aggression towards both myself and each other. Whenever I...
  19. L

    Bonding 4 Male Guinea Pigs

    I got two new guinea pigs about 3 weeks ago, which were older than my first pair and I'm wondering how long it will take for them to not fight and be normal with each other or if that will ever happen, they all get into little fights with each other from time to time and make unhappy noises...
  20. B

    Bonding Troubles

    Hi, I'm new to this whole taking care of guinea pigs, but I've done a lot of research before bringing home my new pets. I picked them up from someone who needed to re-home them and they told me that they were bonded, but the day after bringing them home i noticed that they were, well it looked...