boar glue

  1. I

    Guinea pigs had a fight(I need a lot of advice)

    My guinea pigs had a fight and one of them drew blood. The only issue is that I don't know who drew the blood(I tried looking for any blood on their bodies(they are both red haired guinea pigs making it hard)) and I don't know where the blood was drawn. Because of this I haven't had any anti...
  2. I

    Guinea pig keeps getting boar glue on the other

    My teenage boar(almost 7 months) has gotten boar glue on my other guinea pig(2.5 years) twice in the past week or so. It's super gross and I don't know how to prevent it or if my teenage boar will stop doing it eventually. I additionally am wondering if there is a better way to get rid of it...
  3. daisyandsofi2060

    my piggy has something I think from what Ive seen is boar glue..?

    can a piggy have its iwn boar glue on its mouth (lower lip )? Ive seen it on a post and it look a little simmilar . I cant take a pic cause my piggy is moving too much but its like each “hair” on its lower lip has a little kind of white crust on it ? is it a fungal infection perhaps?
  4. gustavandviktor

    Boar glue lip 😅

    One of my guinea pigs has rock hard crusty stuff on his lip, I’m assuming boar glue🙄 and it’s making it droop, he doesn’t seem to be in pain and he’s just eaten some lettuce. How on earth do I get it off? I’ve soaked it with a flannel and it will not budge, I don’t want to cut it as the hair is...
  5. tatals

    I'm warning you all that this is very gross

    I have an 'issue' that is both funny and stressful - for all of us. And very, very gross. I wasn't able to find a thread about it because, to be fair, I have no idea what to look for. One of my pigs is impossibly horny. I'm sorry to put it that way, but I just couldn't find a better one. 😂 He...
  6. Piggymum22

    Please help!

    Emergency please help 🙉 So after 2 years of owning boars this has never once happened to me and thought it was some kind of myth, my poor little boar has fallen victim to a dreaded glue incident 🤦‍♀️😭 Went to bed last night and piggies were absolutely fine, woke up this morning and they seem to...
  7. J

    T-Tot's Story on battling pneumonia and after

    Hi everyone, I wanted to share our T-Tot's story and maybe get some insight from other people with some piggies who may be going through the same thing. (Sorry if this is a long post) My son, Noah, who is 10yo, takes really good care of his T-Tot (almost 1yo). They're best friends, they truly...
  8. Percy&Milo2020

    New Guinea pig owner to boars

    Hi all. So I have a lot of experience with Sows but I have never owned a Boar before. So I recently got 2 boars and it’s obvious which one is the dominate pig. But I am new to the world of owning boars and have noticed a vast difference in behaviour from owning sows. Looking for some general...
  9. Prasiddha

    Boar glue 😔

    Poor Icy.. brownie has put his boar glue on icy's back. Icy's hair become tangled to a bunch with white cement like thing stuck. I tried cleaning with warm water and soap. He just started crying loudly. Poor boy. I was forced to cut of his hair in the affected area. Is there any way I can stop...