boar bond help

  1. A

    Bonding two boars

    I’m bonding my 5.5 year old boar with a new 6 month old boar after his cage mate passed. So far, it’s going quite well. The groomed each other through the bars last night and popcorned after. The older one went to the bars this morning to look for the younger one. And the younger one was biting...
  2. L

    Broken bond - what can I do?

    For several months now I've had a peaceful trio of boars. The youngest of them is three and they were all well out of hormonal phases when I got the third (Nussi) - the two first are father (Angel) and son (Storm). It's been going great up until now - no fights, barely any dominance behaviours -...
  3. C

    Successfully Bonded?

    Hi So I have two boars that I've been working on bonding for months now. They are housed in side by side runs and I've been getting them out in a neutral area for play sessions. They are finally showing signs of being happy together (i.e laying down together, sharing hay etc), but I don't...
  4. crypt

    single boar and finding a companion (help)

    I have a boar and I rescued him from a family that had to give him up. I know that guinea pigs are very social and it's very necessary to have them in pairs. How do I go about finding another? I know I will have to keep them separated and introduce slowly. I'm just a little nervous about making...
  5. L

    Help with cage after Bonding

    Hi- I am in the process of bonding two males. One is from a rescue and one has been mine but lost his buddy a couple months ago. I did the neutral playpen for around 14 hours. Went from chattering, chasing, to mounting nonstop. My OG is super laid back and never cared of the new guy wanted to...
  6. M

    Male guinea pig humping other Male guinea pig face?..

    So I have two guinea pigs one is 5 months and the other is a year and 8 months the older one keeps humping his face and idk why :/
  7. BaldwinandNormie

    Boars finally in same enclosure!

    Hi! I'm hoping to get some insight into how things are actually going with two adolescent boar skinny pigs! We started with a 6 month old boar named Baldwin who, after some time in his new home, really flourished. But it became very clear that he needed a friend to love with! After searching for...
  8. W

    Bonded Boars Suddenly "Fighting"

    Hi! This might be a little long but I'm worried about my boars :( So I have two boars, a black one around 2.5 years old (Loki) and a long haired white one (Thor) around 1.5 years old. They've been bonded together for a little less than year and a half now, living together with minor squabbles...
  9. Pemberleypiggies

    Help! 2 Boars constantly fighting, but no blood drawn

    Hi guys! I rescued two skinny pigs from a local rescue in February. They are going to be two years old in July. I know that boys can be aggressive with each other, but I’m having a hard time determining if what I’m seeing warrants separating. One is specifically the bully, and the other never...
  10. P

    Boar drama!

    Okay now I’ve read through all the info on boar pairs but I still can’t figure out what to do. Here’s the story: I brought home two boys that were together at the pet store in august 2020. Gumball and Darwin. They got along really well. The same day there was another pair in the cage beside...
  11. M

    Bonding three boys

    So I've been making a large (13sq foot) cage, for my two boys, both around a year old (I adopted them at 5-6 months nearly 5 months ago, and I called the pet store the previous owner got them from and they said they estimated the pigs they sell to be between 8-12 weeks, so they're between 12-14...
  12. C

    Bonding Males - not bad, but not great?

    We adopted a guineapig and she ended up pregnant with a little boy. So we are attempting to find a bond for him. We neutered him and turns out he is clearly has only child syndrome and seems to be pretty opinionated. He got along with all but one girl and bullied her to the point he needed...
  13. Mystic_corgi

    Getting Past The Teenage Years (two boars)

    I am still quite new to owning guinea pigs with only owing 3 in my lifetime and this is my first time having two guinea pigs together. I own two boars named Wasabi and Tofu who about 9 months old. They seem to get along quite well for the most part. They are able to share food bowls, water...
  14. Dystopoly

    Separating for a URI?

    So, this morning I rushed my boys into the vet because one of them was sniffling very audibly - and sure enough, he’s got a URI. The vet gave me antibiotics for him, but gave his brother a clean bill of health and told me to separate them for two weeks until the course of medicine is through...
  15. 2Pigs2Many

    Piggy passed, bonding help.

    My boy Teddy and I are both very depressed over the passing of his brother Smores Tuesday morning... I have had them both for a little over 3.5 years now, they were housed together for the first 1.5 year of their life until they had a falling out which led to me having their cages side by side...