blood in urine

  1. eloquenteevee76

    guinea pig leaking pee and possible blood in urine

    my guinea pig has had a wet bottom for a couple days (i wanted to check if it was just her sitting in her wee though) and now she seems to be peeing small amounts and i saw red in her wee. could this be blood or is there any other reason?
  2. N

    Blood in pee

    Hii everyone, just wondered if you could help, there's been an dark orange colour to my guinea pig's pee and I don't know what I should do about it, it's been going on for two days now. Any advice?
  3. D

    Guinea pigs have blood spots in cage the past day and we are nervous! Any info is greatly appreciated

    My guinea pig Daisy has a swollen belly, but I can’t tell if it’s her or the other female Duke. There is spotting all over their cage they switch a lot, so it is our Detail where it is coming from. Exactly or which guinea pig. Anyone with any info or dosage of antibiotics would be helpful. I am...
  4. thw797

    Guinea pig peeing blood intermittently for over a month — what to do now?

    Hi all! This is my first post here and after lurking and reading other’s experiences, I’ve decided to come here and ask. My girl Daisy is around 3 years old. She has been peeing blood intermittently ever since the end of November. I took her to the emergency vet where they diagnosed her with a...
  5. Shirii

    Blood in urine with unkown origin

    Hello, two weeks ago I noticed my little piggy boy Kiro was crying and hunching during urination. I immidietly took him to vet and since then he has been on sumetrolim antibiotics, meloxicam for pain, uroxal for urinary sediment reduction and rodicare uro as a dietary supplement for the...
  6. amii394

    Blood in urine

    Hi everyone. I have recently noticed that my 10 month old male is weeing blood. Yesterday I noticed a few red-ish/brown-ish spots in the cage and I thought it was either the stains from red pepper or strawberry (as he had had both in the days prior). However, minutes ago I witnessed him...
  7. Arekkisu

    Another one?

    Hi everyone! Biscuit / M / 4 years You may or may not remember but in April i posted about my guinea pig that had a possible bladder stone. Biscuit was fine after it was removed but he never really stopped squeaking in pain when pooping. We all thought it was just a habit, but today he was...
  8. Cooper & Chris Farley

    UTI? (photos attached)

    Hey all, me again 🥴. Just noticed one of my boys peed an odd color.. scared me and wanted to know if anyone thought it could be a UTI? I have been giving them some red pepper lately but I don’t recall either of them ever peeing this color in the past.. I have been giving each of them 1 mL of...
  9. Banjobean

    Blood in urine?

    I've spent many an hour reading posts on this forum over the years but my first post here! So hello all! Banjo has always loved drinking a lot of water and snacking on his biscuits/hay - he seems so happy when doing so, only the last few days perhaps a week I've been starting to wonder if he...
  10. K

    Guinea pig urine sludge, squeaking, and bloody spots months after getting bladder stone removal surgery

    My almost 4 year old male guinea pig Lemmy had a bladder stone removal surgery at the end of August 2021, and he was very happy and healthy after the surgery until very recently. I started to notice a random squeak here and there, and then noticed some urine sludge on his bedding. I've been...
  11. M

    1 year old male guinea pig, in pain when pooping and peeing. Blood in urine.

    Hello GPF, first post here. Little info: GF and i have 2 guinea pigs, Moses and Ramses, both dark skinny-pigs. Ramses had a small zit-like growth removed, where he recieved anasthesia and was on some pain-killers and we had to feed him some liquid powder if he didn't eat. He seemed to recover...
  12. Siikibam

    Does this look like blood?

    I’m afraid I can’t tell if it’s blood. I’ll tag @Piggies&buns @VickiA @PigglePuggle
  13. caramell

    Elderly guinea pig- Blood in pee, possible UTI? Advice needed ASAP please

    Hello everyone, my pig Caramel is almost 8 years old and seems to have contracted a UTI. (Her sister, Coconut, passed away about two years ago.) Around last week, she developed splotches of blood in her urine along with lethargy/low appetite, so we fed her cranberry juice, it didn't seem to get...
  14. annachristina_piggies

    Possible interstitial cystitis... Looking for answers...

    Good morning! My gorgeous boy Piglet (I’m biased I know) has been having bladder issues for some time now. He’s had numerous infections in the past which antibiotics have cleared, however since December he’s experienced blood in his urine and pain when peeing - we’ve tried two different...
  15. B

    Blood in urine no stones/UTI

    Hi all! This is my first post here and I hope you guys are willing to give me some advice. I have two Guinea Pigs (brothers) of two years old, Teddy and Bear. Teddy has been squeaking while peeing and pooping for almost a year now. We of course went to the vet multiple times and had X-rays...