blood clot

  1. Angelina_97866

    Guinea pig bleeding from bum area

    My male boar has suddenly started bleeding from his urinary area. I’m very worried as it’s quite a lot of blood. What should I do to help apart from take him to the vet which hopefully I can do asap?
  2. B

    Pooping "blood clots"?

    This morning, I went to check up on my male guinea pig and noticed he hadn't eaten and food. When I picked him up, I noticed a little blood, but was unable to locate the source of the issue. I feed him some critical feed and checked his cage for blood, which I was unable to find. Assuming that...
  3. M

    Mass found in or around uterus

    Sunday morning (Oct. 9) I picked up my 4-year-old guinea pig, Rummy, to say good morning and noticed blood coming from her genital area. I called multiple ER vets as none near me treat guinea pigs or were even open. We drove an hour and a half to the nearest vet, with all three of our girls, and...
  4. Arekkisu

    Another one?

    Hi everyone! Biscuit / M / 4 years You may or may not remember but in April i posted about my guinea pig that had a possible bladder stone. Biscuit was fine after it was removed but he never really stopped squeaking in pain when pooping. We all thought it was just a habit, but today he was...