
  1. almondandcashew

    Almond's Bladder Stone & Advice

    Hi everyone! I have been a long-time lurker of this forum and wanted to share my boy Almond's recent experience with bladder stones and ask for prevention advice. Almond and Cashew are my first piggies so I am new to dealing with bladder issues and want to ensure I'm doing the best I can. 5...
  2. Cymrupiggies

    Grieving for a piggie

    This is my first post and to be honest it's a hard one. I've come on here to not feel so alone in this grieving process and sorry if I've posted in the the wrong thread. December 2023 our piggies Maisie had blood in her urine. We only rescued her in June 2023 to add to our very small herd but...
  3. aycabuyuker

    Requrrent Bladder Stone

    Hi everyone, i have a big immeadiate problem with my guinea pig. He is 3,5 years old, had a stone in his bladder and stone was surgically removed. But just two weeks later now he has a bladder stone again!😔 The stone removed was 8 mm. The second stone, which is newly formed in 2 weeks, is 7...
  4. mexiguineapigmother

    Metacam dosage *need help*

    My guinea pig has a bladder stone and he was prescribed metacam. He had this before with his previous vet who was cavy savvy. We are now seeing a new vet because our old vet only does surgeries as of now. This new vet prescribed metacam, however I am not sure about the dosage. We are being told...
  5. mexiguineapigmother

    Guinea pig won't eat after dental work

    Hi, my name is Jocelyn. I have a 5-year-old guinea pig who recently got his teeth trimmed because he broke one of his incisors. They trimmed the one next to it to make it even so he could eat better. the vet also did the incisors at the top because she said they were getting curled. A couple of...