#behavior #help #guineapig #bonding #fighting

  1. gowthefloe

    Do I need to separate my 2 male guinea pigs?

    Hello, I have two young male guinea pigs one named Charlie and the second Gar. They have a 4x4 enclosure and for about half of the time they seem to get along fine. For the other half of the time it seems that Charlie bullies Gar and they even teeth chatter or in worst cases will briefly lunge...
  2. Lauren22

    Boar with behaviour issues

    Hi, Please don't judge, I really don't know what to do and am looking for help. I have a single male boar, he's over a year old and lives on his own in a 2x3 c&c cage. The reason for this is because I've tried him with 3 mates and he has drawn blood with them all one very badly. I cannot...
  3. B

    Help for Bailey's operation!

    Hello, I'm Cindy Agurcia, I have a guinea pig that I adopted 3 years ago. 1 week ago, several lumps appeared in the lower part of his neck. I was worried and went to an exotic veterinarian and he told me that it was an infection, which could only be removed with surgery and that the cost would...
  4. Golins_guinea_pigs

    My Guinea Pigs won’t stop arguing/fighting

    Hi! I have 2 boars in a 6 by 2 cage. They are around one 9-12 months old but they won’t stop showing dominance to each other. At first my Abyssinian guinea pig was the dominant one but now, 2 to 3 months later, my American guinea pig has taken over the dominance and kicking the other one out of...
  5. S

    introducing a new cagemate

    So my guinea pig, butterscotch, recently lost his cage-mate due to old age. He seems to be a little lethargic and I was planning on attempting to bond him with a new guinea pig to bring back his spark. How long should I wait after Caramel’s death to start placing the two cages close together?
  6. Ninalb

    HELP! They hate each other! :(

    I recently adopted two new piggies and am overjoyed to have them in the family. However, after waiting for the quarantine period, I introduced them to my two older piggies and two of them started fighting with teeth! I've never introduced guinea pigs before and I was hoping for it to go well...
  7. A

    Bullying or am I overthinking?

    Hi, i am an owner of two boars, one 2 years old and one 8(?) months old, and i have some questions about bonding. these two have been together for almost three months now and everything seemed fine until i noticed Finn, the 8 month old, rumble strutting A LOT. he often tries mounting Paco and...
  8. S

    Piggie Biting Bums

    Hi everyone! I have two guinea pig sows named Summer and Autumn (6 & 10 months old). They came from the same home, it appeared they were kept outside and not given much attention as the breeder was hospitalised and getting old. Autumn has always been very timid and scatty, while summer has...
  9. elena

    Guinea Pigs are being EXTREMELY LOUD lately! (why?)

    Hi everyone! I have been surprised about my guinea pigs behavior this last couple of weeks if not months. For context I have four male guinea pigs; An adult and a 4 months old live together, the other two adults live separated while I try bonding between them.. So basically a big cage (2x4)...
  10. Oinkpiggies

    2 males suddenly fighting

    Hi all, i am a new inexperienced Guinea pig owner, and I’ve had my 2 boys for about a month now. I got them a day apart from each other, and they both were terrified. Introduced them in new territory which was a playpen. The newest piggy ran to the other one and was cuddling with it obviously...
  11. Bart17

    2 Separate Boars

    I have 2 boys, had one for about 2 years(Approx 2yrs old), and one i recently picked up about 3 months ago(Approx 1yr old). Tried to bond them, seemed okay at first, then they started to get more aggressive, so we stopped. They have been living separated but close for most of their time...
  12. elena

    Is my guinea pig mad at me?

    Hello! Ive had this guinea pig for three years now, I thought our bond was made, he used to let me pet him, he would come after me, etc ... but now, he seems mad at me? He doesn't let me touch him, he avoids me, he runs away from me... I am so confused, how do I know what i did wrong? :( He is...
  13. H

    Skinny pig super active

    Hello, My skinny currently lives alone because he was fighting off mites. He did come with a twin brother ut I had to separate them because of the mites. I did manage to put their cages closer together so they can still see each other and possibly touch noses. Now he is constantly biting one...
  14. A

    Help! Female Bonding Trouble!

    Please help/ any reassurance would be so appreciated to stop me from spiraling. I introduced my girls last night and it went so badly. And today I sobbed my eyes out reading forum after forum feeling like the only option I have is to take my new pig back to the shelter! I’m so confused...
  15. S

    Guinea pigs keep fighting and biting

    i have 3 guinea pigs, all male 2 of them are always fighting, chattering their teeth, and sometimes even getting into fights where they bite or attack. their names and finn and peanut, the other one is named CoCoa and he doesn’t get into near as bad fights or as many as they do. Finn and peanut...
  16. Y

    Dominance or Fighting? Please help.

    I recently got two female baby guinea pigs (~7 weeks). I've had then for about a week and I'm having trouble deciding if they are paired well and are doing dominance situation or actually fighting because they haven't been paired well. I've seen some signs of dominance and some signs of fighting...
  17. L

    Help! My guinea pigs are hurting each other & I don’t know how to help!

    Hey guys! I have two piggies, Wilbur and Pip. Wilbur is around one year old and Pip is about 5-6 months old. I have tried everything to bond them but they still fight over dominance. Pip has begun hurting my older pig, Wilbur, and I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t have room where I live...
  18. G

    Aggressive guinea pig

    I have an aggressive guinea pig. She’s territorial and dominant, so she lives alone. It’s obvious she’s lonely, but I’m not aloud to get another cage. They said if she could share her current cage I could get another piggie. My cage is only 10 sq feet so I don’t want to separate it into...
  19. dabel101

    Bonding Sows

    Hi, i have three female guinea pigs, one mother sow, one baby sow and a playmate sow. We have had to seperate the mother sow from her playmate to have her babies, although they see eachother regularly on neutral ground. They have absolutely no problem on neutral ground so i thought i would...
  20. retro

    New Piggie Pal! Questions and Behavior!

    Requesting some info here, please! Hi! New Piggie Pal here. This is very important to me so please read... I just got two male guinea pigs that have lived together pretty much their whole life. There was a previous owner and that's who I got them from. They are 2 years old, I am told. They seem...