behavior change

  1. teatime

    Relocation & Fighting

    Hi all - I’m hoping for some help. Last weekend (Apr 20th) I had to move my two male piggies’ cage to a different room in my house, and ever since then the more dominant one (French Fry) has been quite aggressive in his chasing and vocalizing towards his companion (Peanut). Background: I’ve had...
  2. Senna & Porridge


    Hello, I am a new user on this website. I was worried about my piggies behaviour and was hoping for some advice. I have 2 female guinea pigs, one have been here for a month and is six months and the other for less than a week and ten or eleven months. They have just started the dominance process...
  3. jesse1234

    Sudden outbursts

    Hello all. So, we have 3 pigs, two females and 1 male. The females are Bow and Queen. Bow is 4 and has had a really eventful life. She had a bladder stone about a year ago, and the vet managed to manually remove it. Afterwards, she stopped using her back legs for quite some time and we never...