
  1. wheeking_charlie

    Guinea pig being treated for URI , Need Help!

    Hello, my guinea pig was diagnosed with a very mild URI last Thursday. My vet prescribed him an antibiotic for two weeks and today would be half way through the treatment. About when should he stop showing symptoms of the URI? He’s still sneezing a little bit and will sometimes have crusty eyes...
  2. jadielin

    UTI now URI

    Hi everyone, I’m having a bit of a situation with one of my girls and wondering if anyone else has gone through something similar. About three weeks ago she was in extreme pain and peeing blood - I got her to the vet as fast as I could and they said she had a bladder infection. She was on...
  3. P

    GI Stasis/UTI

    A week ago one of my pig's cinnamon had major bloat, so I took her to the ER right away. She wouldn't eat veggies, pellets, or hay and wasn't drinking any water. She was diagnosed with partial GI stasis. They also found some fluid in her uterus, and uterer after some x-rays (GDV was ruled out...
  4. 4pigsies


    My guinea pig has a broken tooth and got an abscess in her mouth. We are giving her some health diet from a syringe so she doesn’t loose weight- she seem to like this a lot. But it’s so hard to give her the pain relief and antibiotics from the syringe. Can I mix the antibiotics and the food...
  5. R

    Baby Guinea pig on antibiotic stopped eating! Need help ASAP!

    Gave my baby guinea pig 18 days old, 155 g, baytril as recommended by vet and internet users(due to uti).I was giving him baytril with poop soup after 1 hour. But i have found he whas stopped eating and producing some dry and yellow poops. I have been giving him cucumber, tomato and capsicum in...
  6. Lucy2103

    UTI 12 weeks old. Baytril or bactrim?

    Hello, I have a 12 week old guinea pig. 2 weeks ago at 10 weeks old one of my guinea pigs started making an uncomfortable noise whilst peeing. We took her to the vet who said it was not gut and was definitely UTI. She carries on as normal, eats normally and passes both poop and pee. The vet gave...