
  1. A


    hi there! i really didn’t know which chat would be best for this? but i think i might be allergic to one of my pigs and not the other… i have two pigs, steak and cheese. i can hold steak who is an abyssinian with NO issues at all. he could cuddle against me, bite me, etc. i’m fine. i clean their...
  2. lauryn1289

    Guinea pigs and fleas

    Hi everybody, sorry if this post is inappropriate because it’s about guinea pigs but also not EXCLUSIVELY about guinea pigs. Basically my cat Miss Keisha is having recurring issues with hair loss that one of my vets now thinks could actually be caused by irritation from a flea allergy. She’s a...
  3. t3ss4_m

    Is my guinea pig sick or does she have allergies?

    Hello, I have a question about my guinea pigs health, one of them had started coughing from about a week ago, I decided to let it play out and see if it was because of eating too fast or something, but now she has started to get that crackly breathing that guinea pigs get when they are sick, she...
  4. H

    Does my guinea pig have allergies?

    I've noticed since spring (after the pollen count has increased) when I open the windows after a few minutes my guinea pig makes a wheezing noise. But a few minutes after closing the window and running an air purifier he if fine... I'm guessing this is a sign he's allergic to pollen, right? This...
  5. L


    Hi! I previously had an issue with breathing with my little boar. It got better but it seems that it is happening again but with both of them. They have this weird wheezing sound coming from their noses and they sneeze (maybe 3-4 times a day.) I’m a little conflicted because i don’t know if...
  6. H

    Is this sneezing?

    Hi, I have 3 boars. They all live in one big cage separated. My youngest one, (a little under a year I’m assuming) has been making this sneezing noise. I first noticed it last night. I heard him do it 5 times, and caught it on video again this morning. I would appreciate some opinions. Is a vet...
  7. P

    Am I allergic to my guinea pigs?

    Hi guys, We have 5 lovely, female guinea pigs - 3 short haired and 2 teddy bear. Over the last month or so I’ve had incredibly itchy skin after (sometimes during) holding the piggies. My partner has had similar, but no where near as bad as me! I don’t suffer from eczema either, so I doubt...
  8. Caramelchip18

    Anybody know if you can suddenly develop allergies to guinea pigs?

    So for the past two weeks or so I’ve had a runny nose snd watery eyes that comes and goes. I originally thought this could be a cold or something like that, but today I held my guinea pigs and within 5 minutes my nose was red, irritated and running like water and my eyes were red and watery. I...
  9. T

    Guinea Pig Scabs and sores

    We have three guinea pigs two males that were in the same cage together and one female in a cage by herself. We had attempted to have the female with another piggy in the cage with her, but that did not go well and it's the story for a different post. Up until a month ago, the two males were in...
  10. LongWheekyBabies

    Sudafed Dosage for Guinea pigs

    Hi, I have a guinea pig named Cardamom who lives with her son Cinnamon. They are both fixed. She is very active and is running around as it type this. I have determined that poor Cardamom has allergies to hay dust. I switched from timmothy to orchard grass. This stopped her hooting for a while...
  11. A

    Hooting noise

    Hello:) I bought my guinea pig (Buzz) from pets at home on 08/03/2020. I noticed in the car on the way home that he had a clear drip from his nose and his chest sounded like a clicking/hooting noise. I rang pets at home the following day to inform them of this, they agreed to treat him at their...
  12. Y

    Boyfriend allergic to GPs (difficulty breathing)

    Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. The past few weeks my boyfriend has been suffering with wheezing/difficulty breathing whenever I clean out the guinea pigs. He found out a while ago that he’s allergic so he avoids handling them or being near them for too long, but only recently have these...
  13. W

    My mum is allergic to the pigs fur and hay

    My mum has been struggling with allergies. She's taking medication and it's not working so unless I find a solution I don' know what will happen with the pigs living indoors. The main problem seems to be fur and smaller bits of hay accumulating in the washing machine after a blanket wash. I keep...
  14. zoe.sterns

    Help! Respiratory Issues

    One of my young silkie boars was sneezing a lot and wiping his nose so i took him to the vet and the diagnosed him with what i thought it was, a mild upper respiratory infection. so i had him and his two other cage mates all on antibiotics for two weeks and they finished the two weeks yesterday...
  15. Kiki_mushu_winry

    Young pig with bad dandruff

    Hello all. I have a 9 month old American roan girl (Winry, photo for cute tax) who’s been having really bad dandruff. She lives with my two other 1.5yo girls who do not have any skin issues at all. I got her from a private breeder in January 2020 at 8 weeks. At first I thought it might be...
  16. Jasmined

    Is this URI or allergy? Please help

    Yesterday morning I noticed I could hear Teddy breathing a little heavier than normal after I’d heard her sneeze a few times. by the afternoon her breathing had become more noisy and her sneezes sounded a little wet, some crustiness round her nose. By Luck managed to get her a vet appointment...
  17. L

    Advice, what to do? - Sneezing

    Since I just got Lewis home the other day, I’ve noticed he’s rarely sneezing but there seems to be the tiniest amount of snot/clear liquid and the owner mentioned he did not have a uri. What do I do now? I’m just really confused as to why he is still sneezing (not as much)/ has a bit of...
  18. C

    Guinea pig asthma

    Hi, so for nearly two years now my 6 year old penny has had a wheezing/“hooting” issue as some may call it. Having episodes of this “hooting” usually happening 1-2 times a week to 1-2 a month depending on the season. Tends to be more frequent during the hot months and less frequent during cold...
  19. L

    Specialist What's wrong with my guinea pig? - Persistent congestion with clear lungs?

    I just got 2 guinea pigs from a friend of mine who couldn't keep them anymore. 1.5 year old Clyde came to me with what I thought was clearly an uri, so I made sure to keep him away from the 2 piggies I already had. Immediately I took him to the exotic pet care clinic and the doctor told me that...
  20. W


    Sorry for the long post, it's been a long process, my pig Wayne has been sick with a Uri since the end of December. Thankfully the whole time he has been eating, drinking and pooping normally! I brought him to an emergency vet back in December and they prescribed him Trimethoprim (a sticky pink...