
  1. P

    Guinea Pig w/ the Sniffles?

    Hello, I am a young guinea pig owner with currently two boys. I've had piggies most of my life and I've also had my fair share of dealing with sick piggies as well. I'm afraid its made me more paranoid for my guinea pigs' health, and I just want to get advice whether I should take action or not...
  2. P

    Am I allergic to my guinea pigs?

    Hi guys, We have 5 lovely, female guinea pigs - 3 short haired and 2 teddy bear. Over the last month or so I’ve had incredibly itchy skin after (sometimes during) holding the piggies. My partner has had similar, but no where near as bad as me! I don’t suffer from eczema either, so I doubt...
  3. Y

    Boyfriend allergic to GPs (difficulty breathing)

    Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. The past few weeks my boyfriend has been suffering with wheezing/difficulty breathing whenever I clean out the guinea pigs. He found out a while ago that he’s allergic so he avoids handling them or being near them for too long, but only recently have these...
  4. Jasmined

    Is this URI or allergy? Please help

    Yesterday morning I noticed I could hear Teddy breathing a little heavier than normal after I’d heard her sneeze a few times. by the afternoon her breathing had become more noisy and her sneezes sounded a little wet, some crustiness round her nose. By Luck managed to get her a vet appointment...
  5. Guineapigfeet

    Air Purifier

    I know I’ve seen threads about these so I though I’d let you know that we took the plunge and bought an air purifier this week to try and help my OH’s airborne allergies to dust and *hay*. We live above a motorway and although we are double glazed downstairs and triple upstairs, the house is...