
  1. D

    12 sows 1 boar

    Hey! Looking for any advice/tips on my current bonding. I got my last boar neutered after his friend passed away a few months ago, it's 7 weeks post op and I started the bonding. Cleaned the full living room of scent, extended the cage, got all open ended hides, and changed the cage. Washed...
  2. Lauren22

    Aggressive boys with broken bond.

    Hi, I adopted two male guinea pigs from pets at home. Apparently they were 5 weeks old on adoption, one was very small about 300g. Both got on until four months and then a massive of fur, whirl winding and I had to split them up. Since then I can't have them together or with other guinea pigs...
  3. Lunapxggies

    Agression Plus Nail cutting

    I have made a post about this piggie before she has bitten me multiple times and i got her from a home where she was neglected and most likely handled dangerously. I am at a loss again because she is a long hair pig so she needs to be groomed at some points and i haven’t been able to groom her...
  4. Lunapxggies


    I’m at a loss with one of my pigs, I got her from an abusive situation where she was alone , not being fed and in a gross environment. I’ve tried to bond with her but I think she is too traumatized to bond with anyone( anytime i try to go near the cage (unless i have food) she runs away or tries...
  5. Lunapxggies

    Strange behavior bonding

    Been trying to bond my 2 older pigs who are 8 and 3 (8 year old has not been a problem she likes the young girl) with my new piggie probably about 6 months old ! And she has been cuddling up to them and loving on them but my 3 year old pig hasn’t been a fan she has nipped and gone sfter her...
  6. T

    Guinea Pig Scabs and sores

    We have three guinea pigs two males that were in the same cage together and one female in a cage by herself. We had attempted to have the female with another piggy in the cage with her, but that did not go well and it's the story for a different post. Up until a month ago, the two males were in...
  7. N

    A newly bonded group

    Hi everyone, I have had two guinea pigs for just over a year.. a week or so ago I introduced 3 more little piggies into their family (followed all of the bonding guidelines) all has been going well, and they seem to have been living and playing happily and bonding as a group... The boss piggy...
  8. F

    Female pig trouble

    I recently adopted two female guinea pigs. At the adoption center, the two had come in together but were separated due to fighting. I assumed it may have been because of the stress of moving or being in a small cage, but when I tried to reintroduce them they didn’t seem to get along. I...
  9. Veggiepiggies

    Sudden change in behaviour... ptsd?

    Hi I’m quite new to this but I needed some advice on my guinea pigs. So bit of a backstory, I had two pigs but one sadly passed away, and a few months after I got another baby one. This baby one (now nearly 1) and my older (about 3 and a half) used to get on really well, until last week. Loca...
  10. S

    dominance or agression in 2 sows

    About two weeks ago i bought two sows from the same litter. by now theyre about 7-8 weeks old (I'm not exactly sure how old they were when i got them). They're very frightened and hide most of the time I'm home, but will occasionally come out and eat if i dont make too much noise or any big...
  11. M

    Dominant Females

    A few months ago I got my two year old female Guinea pig, Macy, a companion. I got a 2 month old female, Penelope. Penelope was naturally submissive to Macy and was actually only comfortable when with Macy. Penelope is still extremely dependent on Macy (she doesn’t like to move too much if she...