aggressive male

  1. T

    New boar companion for boar

    Hello! I got a Skinny Pig “Mr. Bigglesworth” (boar) as a Valentine’s Day present. It took a few months to earn his trust, but now that trust is established, he is very sweet! I decided now is a good time to get him a friend “Zorro” (an Abyssinian bore). The habitat is large, but Mr. Biggie was...
  2. P

    Boars Not Getting Along

    I have 2 10-11 month old boars Mulder and Scully and they are not getting along. I have had them since they were 4 months old, even at that age it was clear Scully was the dominant pig, and I assumed most of their behaviour was harmless. Scully chases Mulder, Mulder is grumpy and rumbles a lot...
  3. Frenchie12

    Male and female piggy bonding struggle- help!

    Hi guys, this is my first post so I hope it makes sense! I'm posting because I recently bought a female Abyssinian piggy to keep my male, Mckenzie, company. I adopted Mckenzie from pets at home when he was 6 months old and he's now about 8 months. He was kept alone with his first owners and...