
  1. F

    New Guinea pigs

    Hello, I have 2 male guinea pigs who I adopted from our local pet smart who has said they were bonded and 5 years old. So I chose to take them both because I also had read that they get lonely and are super social. When we first got them we had them in a temporary cage which was definitely too...
  2. G

    Newly adopted boar shows bald spots!

    Hi! Just adopted this pair of boars. One has bald spots while the other doesn’t (or at least I haven’t seen!) I need help identifying what these might indicate — are they typical bald spots from fighting/barbering, or are they mites? Any help appreciated! He gets annoyed when i touch in that...
  3. M

    Solo Guinea Pig

    Hello everyone, recently I adopted a 2 year old male Guinea Pig for the first time. I have been told by the place I adopted him from that ever since he was a baby he would constantly fight with other Guinea Pigs, both from his previous owner and Guinea Pigs at the adoption centre. He is very...
  4. Sarah Jane

    Finally a new guinea pig for my Piglet! A few bonding questions.

    First I’ll just provide a link to my previous Guinea pig URI, Vicks, just need some comport. In short, I got my Piglet at 4 weeks old and she came home with a URI. She is now approx. 13 weeks old. After taking advice from this forum, I decided against getting her a friend knowing that she was...
  5. Sammoo101

    Over 3 lb (1.4kg)

    Hello everyone I recently adopted a guinea pig from a shelter that was 1.4 kg or 3lb. He was given a bowl of pellets in the shelter and it was always full. I personally give my pigs unlimited hay, but they only get an 1/8 of a cup of pellets a day. Any suggestions on how to ween him down without...
  6. SydneySharkk

    Weird mark on guinea pigs ear, and pairing a trio

    So I just adopted two more girl guinea pigs today (now I’m at a total of 5 pigs all together!) I wanted to pair two with my one girl XiaoXiao (who is recovering from a dental issue) I felt like now would be a good time to finally get her some friends. I just got them home today and I cleaned...
  7. smithsr05

    Really Affectionate Super Pig

    Hi All, Since Larry has been with us she's got more and more comfortable, to the point now where she completely trusts us (we got her at 8 week old, she'll be about 17 week old now). She is definitely the most unique and loving pig we have and seems to be a complete daredevil, Larry loves...
  8. marimomo

    Adopted Guinea Pig

    Hi! I'm a new guinea piggy owner and read up about the piggies as much as I could before adopting one. (In my town this man was breeding and selling them and the SPCA rescued 33 guinea pigs, wow!) I named him Ekko and he lives in a nice cage with water and hay refilled both morning and night so...
  9. C

    Bonding With An Adopted Piggy

    I adopted a Peruvian piggy of approx 9 months old a few months ago. I don’t know much but that he was given up by the previous owner because of “dominance issues” and was never with another piggy. When I first got him I noticed that he would bite my clothes whenever picked up and he’s very...
  10. Sharon Cleary

    Anti Social Guinea Pig

    Hello, I recently adopted two guinea pigs. I first adopted 1 1/2 year old Ms. Piggie about 3 weeks ago and she had a very shy temperament and would often rest in her hidey house, but wasn't all that scared of human contact. I thought that she might have been depressed or lonely so I got a new 6-10...
  11. Brooke Kinlaw

    Searching For Answers

    Hello, I'm new to this forum and have joined due to terrible circumstances. I suddenly and unexpectedly lost my two female piggies this morning, Willow and Buttercup. They were both rescues and were 2 years old and we took them to the vet when we first rescued them for a check up and they got a...